Visit® – retail visitor analytics

Visit® for Retail Store


  • Increase your conversion rate and customer expenditure at your retail outlet.
  • Capture bypassers from the street into your store.
  • Optimize staff work schedules and fixed costs on proven visitor and sales ratio.
  • Increase your marketing effectiveness based on detailed demography analysis across your visitors and bypassers.
  • Compare stores with each other and reorganize the less profitable ones with highest potential.
  • Reduce losses by connecting to your Loss Prevention gates.
  • Make improvements to the store layout, product placement and in-store promotion based on visitor patterns – and increase sale per square meter.
  • Cut queuing times and create the best possible shopper experience.


How to achieve better customer satisfaction without increasing expenses? Optimizing staff work schedules is easy with Visit®. Use our demographic profiling to help your staff to engage visitors. And to see clear demonstrations from visitor routes and time spent in different zones will also help with this. Measure the effectiveness of different marketing channels. Better-targeted social media integration increases footfall typically 1-3% and better window advertisement 1-5%.

Make sure the staff is there when most needed to help and activate customers. Improving the shopper experience and product placement improve conversion rate usually 2-4%. Customers using fitting rooms are about 65 % percent more likely to buy something and they buy 3 times what browsers buy. Did you know that by optimizing your staff schedules you reduce theft at the same time?