As easy as ordering pizza!
Visit® provides a ready-to-install solution for managing people counting and visitor flow and behavior analytics. The implemented solution includes sensors and a reporting service with all the necessary features to organize data into actionable knowledge.
Our packages are always customized because every store and space is different to one other including our clients’ needs. But in practice, you’ll pay for our sensors we’ll set up and a monthly payment for maintaining the Visit® reporting service. The monthly payment is determined by 1.) the amount of sensors and 2.) the amount of the data – the more data you want to be reported, the more you pay on top of the fixed charge.
First our personnel will locate the places to set up the sensors. This is a short analysis made based on the floor plan and consulting with you. A proper system configuration with testing is always included. A typical turn-key installation takes altogether just a few days with monthly rates of less than 100 USD.
And once set up, that’s that! You’ll have access to the actionable knowledge whenever. All you need is Internet access.
Additional info
It is also possible to use your already existing in-store technology instead of placing new. The Visit store sensors are fully adaptable with your current devices with open interface.
The Visit® solution -sales include software training for staff and owners. The training is available customer premises as well as via webinar-training programs.
Thousands of store owners with customer satisfaction rate of 98% are ready to recommend our services.