Visit® – retail visitor analytics

Visit® helps Merchandiser to activate visitors


  • Measure the effect of product positioning and create optimal retail store layout.
  • Measure the success of store window advertisement by counting bypassing people versus store visitors and see how the window display and other promotional displays engage different age groups and gender.
  • Take advantage of the busiest hours.
  • Create indoor mapping and store aisles towards the higher margin merchandises.
  • Estimate shrinkage.

How do shoppers behave in store, where do they spend their time and what engages them? And how do the employees behave? Knowing all this will help you to engage visitors through better product positioning, in-store promotion and being there for the customers when needed.

Understanding visitor demography, behavior and trends is the key to better service and activate visitors to buy more. Better product engagement for example typically leads to 2-4% increase in conversion rate. Statistics show that better shopper experience will do the exact same. Adjust the window display according to your new information and increase footfall 1-5% and the number of potential buyers at the same time.